Technical Details

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Technical Details

This page is intended for the tech aficionados and contains specific technical details about the inner workings of this site. I hope to shed some light on some of the special features that this website contains and maybe even help those interested ones implementing similar features in their website. Without further adieu, lets just dive in:

  1. This website is built and updated with Jekyll1. Jekyll is an awesome blog aware static site generator, and its highly useful.I came to know about static site generators and fell in love. With a little bit of research I settled for Jekyll and my blogging experience changed forever.
  2. Kramdown2. As this is a Jekyll based website, the contents are written in Markdown. While Rdiscount is a lovely piece of software, it has a terrible relation with MathJax-LaTeX3 and messes up the TeX code when both are put together. Its a little different than traditional markdown languages and has a slightly different syntax, but as all other Markdown languages, its no hassle to master it within an hour.
  3. As for aesthetics, this website features a modified version of the “So Simple Theme” by Michael Rose from This theme also sports a responsive layout with a drop-down mobile menu which is awesome for reading on mobile devices on the go.
  4. One of the major aesthetic changes brought in the theme is including a paginator in the home/latest posts page. This makes the website more readable and user-friendly. The navigation menu for the paginator uses an intelligent piece of code.
  5. Also included are different category pages.
  6. I love having Estimated Reading Time (ERT) of an article feature. What it does, it takes the word count of an article and calculates the ERT based on the average reading speed (ARS). While ARS is simply an estimation and it differs from person-to-person, Medium uses 180 Words-Per-Minute (WPM) as their ARS. ARS in this website’s readers will fall between 210-330 WPM. You can find the ERT of any article in this blog in the blog meta information panel in the Left-Hand side of the article.
  7. This website also utilizes the “Pluralize” plugin to generate singular/plural word based on the context explained in point 6. If the reading time is 1 minute, it delivers the singular word “minute”, if else, the plural version “minutes” is delivered.
  8. Providing the date in a raw form when the article has been created does not create a personal experience. To solve this the “Timeago” plugin has been implemented. It changes the article date and outputs it as a nice personal ”- days ago” format.

Note - github pages runs with “–safe” enabled, so some of these handy plugins are disabled unless ran locally. The end result, then, gets pushed to github after a local run through of Jekyll gets done crushing and squeezing the templates together.

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  1. Jekyll transforms plain text into static websites and blogs. 

  2. kramdown is yet-another-markdown-parser but fast, pure Ruby, using a strict syntax definition and supporting several common extensions. 
